08/30/2024, 09:57 PM UTC
英特尔面临历史性危机,考虑战略重组Intel Faces Historic Crisis, Considers Strategic Restructuring
➀ 英特尔正在讨论可能的重组方案,包括可能拆分或出售其芯片制造业务。➁ 讨论涉及长期顾问摩根士丹利和高盛。➂ 这些战略考虑预计将在9月的董事会会议上宣布。➃ 英特尔最近的财务表现不佳,其代工业务出现重大亏损。➀ Intel is reportedly discussing potential restructuring options, including the possible split or sale of its chip manufacturing business. ➁ The discussions involve long-standing advisors Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs. ➂ These strategic considerations are expected to be announced at the September board meeting. ➃ Intel's recent financial performance has been poor, with significant losses in its foundry business.