02/15/2025, 03:02 AM UTC
西门子携手Alphawave利用先进半导体IP加快客户上市时间Siemens Partners with Alphawave to Accelerate Customer Time-to-Market with Advanced Semiconductor IP
➀ 西门子数字工业软件部门宣布与Alphawave Semi签署独家OEM协议,将通过其销售渠道推广Alphawave Semi的高速互连硅IP产品组合。
➁ 该协议包括Alphawave Semi行业领先的IP平台,用于连接和内存协议,如以太网、PCIe、CXL、HBM和UCIe(Die-to-Die)。
➂ 双方将通过客户共同接触并利用各自的能力和优势,合作提供全面的Spec to Silicon Solutions。
➀ Siemens Digital Industries Software announces an exclusive OEM agreement with Alphaw Semi to market its high-speed interconnect silicon IP product portfolio through its sales channels.
➁ The agreement includes Alphawave Semi's leading IP platform for connectivity and memory protocols such as Ethernet, PCIe, CXL, HBM, and UCIeDie-to-Die).
➂ The collaboration will provide comprehensive Spec to Silicon Solutions by leveraging the combined capabilities and strengths of both companies.