10/20/2024, 08:44 PM UTC
英特尔和AMD结盟应对Arm,但拦不住云厂商自研ArmIntel and AMD Alliance to Counter Arm, but Cannot Halt Cloud Firms' Self-developed Arm
<p>➀ 英特尔和AMD成立了旨在应对Arm的“x86咨询小组”。</p><p>➁ 以AWS为代表的云厂商正在自主研发Arm处理器,降低了成本并提高了灵活性。</p><p>➂ 英特尔和AMD以高核心数的处理器作为回应,但云厂商仍在继续开发自己的Arm处理器。</p><p>➀ Intel and AMD have formed the 'x86 Advisory Group' to counter Arm.</p><p>➁ Cloud firms like AWS are developing their own Arm processors, lowering costs and increasing flexibility.</p><p>➂ Intel and AMD have responded with high-core-count processors, but cloud firms are continuing to develop their own Arm processors.</p>