12/05/2024, 02:33 AM UTC
NAND的新目标,1000层The New Target for NAND: 1000 Layers
➀ 芯片行业正在努力在未来几年内将 3D NAND 闪存的堆栈高度从 200 层增加到 800 层或更多,以满足对各种类型内存的无休止需求。
➁ 这些额外的层将带来新的可靠性问题和一系列增量可靠性挑战,但近十年来,NAND 闪存行业一直在稳步增加堆栈高度。
➂ 3D NAND 的发展方向是 500 到 1,000 层。但实现这么多层并非仅仅靠做更多我们一直在做的事情就能实现。
➀ The chip industry is striving to increase the stack height of 3D NAND flash memory from 200 layers to 800 layers or more in the coming years to meet the endless demand for various types of memory.
➁ The additional layers will bring new reliability issues and a series of incremental reliability challenges, but the NAND flash memory industry has been steadily increasing the stack height over the past decade.
➂ The development direction of 3D NAND is from 500 to 1,000 layers. However, achieving so many layers is not just a matter of doing more of what we have been doing.