10/17/2024, 11:43 AM UTC
阿斯麦下调业绩预期打击全球半导体股ASML Downgrades Earnings Forecast, Striking Global Semiconductor Stocks
<p>➀ 荷兰大型半导体制造设备企业阿斯麦下调业绩预期,对全球半导体股造成打击。</p><p>➁ 由于美国对中国的半导体出口管制,阿斯麦在中国市场的收入,占其总收入的约50%,预计明年将下降至约20%。</p><p>➂ 半导体行业面临需求疲软,特别是AI以外的产品,同时美国出口管制的影响也日益凸显。</p><p>➀ ASML, a major semiconductor manufacturing equipment company, has lowered its earnings forecast, impacting global semiconductor stocks.</p><p>➁ ASML's revenue from the Chinese market, which accounted for about 50% of its overall revenue, is expected to decline to around 20% next year due to US export controls.</p><p>➂ The semiconductor industry is facing weak demand, particularly for AI以外的 products, and concerns about the impact of US export controls are rising.</p>