08/30/2024, 07:34 AM UTC
SK海力士发布第六代10纳米级DDR5 DRAMSK Hynix Unveils 6th Generation 10nm-class DDR5 DRAM
➀ SK海力士开发了业界首款第六代10纳米级DRAM芯片,名为1c 16Gb DDR5,具有更低的功耗和更高的能效。➁ 新DDR5芯片运行速度为8Gbps,比前一代产品速度提升11%,能效提高超过9%。➂ SK海力士计划在今年年底前完成1c DDR5 DRAM的量产准备,并从明年开始供应产品,旨在减少数据中心电力成本高达30%。➀ SK Hynix has developed the industry's first 6th generation 10nm-class DRAM chip, named 1c 16Gb DDR5, featuring lower power consumption and higher efficiency. ➁ The new DDR5 chip operates at 8Gbps, a 11% increase in speed and over 9% improvement in energy efficiency compared to its predecessor. ➂ SK Hynix plans to start mass production of the 1c DDR5 DRAM by the end of this year and begin supplying it next year, aiming to reduce data center power costs by up to 30%.
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