03/05/2025, 04:11 AM UTC
中信重工董事长武汉琦:推动“芯片+操作系统+应用”一体化协同Zhongxin Heavy Industry Chairman Wu Hanqi: Promoting Integrated Coordination of 'Chip + Operating System + Application'
➀ 中信重工董事长武汉琦提出建议,加速打造国产工业操作系统、推进高端工业控制器全国产化。
➁ 武汉琦建议强化顶层设计,前瞻化布局,推进高端工业操作系统的自主研发和国产化替代,加大对工业操作系统骨干企业的支持力度,包括资金投入、税收优惠、国家研发立项、政府采购倾斜、鼓励使用国产芯片+国产操作系统的方案等。
➂ 武汉琦还表示,通过政策引导,推动国产工业操作系统在矿山、建材、煤炭、冶金、新能源、机器人等多场景应用,鼓励国产芯片和硬件厂商优先适配国产操作系统。
➀ Wu Hanqi, Chairman of Zhongxin Heavy Industry, proposes suggestions to accelerate the development of domestic industrial operating systems and promote the nationalization of high-end industrial controllers.
➁ Wu suggests strengthening top-level design, forward-looking layout, and independent research and development of high-end industrial operating systems, with support for key enterprises including financial investment, tax incentives, national research and development projects, government procurement preferences, and encouraging the use of domestic chips and operating systems.
➂ Wu also indicates that through policy guidance, promote the application of domestic industrial operating systems in various scenarios such as mining, building materials, coal, metallurgy, new energy, and robotics, and encourage domestic chip and hardware manufacturers to prioritize compatibility with domestic operating systems.