10/28/2024, 10:47 AM UTC
英特尔宣布扩容成都封装测试基地!此前已累计投资40亿美元!Intel Announces Expansion of Chengdu Packaging and Testing Base! Total Investment Exceeds $4 Billion!
<p>➀ 英特尔在北京宣布,将扩大其成都封装测试基地,新增服务器芯片封装测试服务。</p><p>➁ 扩张计划旨在提升本地供应链效率和对中国客户的支持。</p><p>➂ 即将成立的英特尔客户解决方案中心将成为行业解决方案的一站式平台。</p><p>➃ 自2003年以来,英特尔在成都基地的投资已超过40亿美元。</p><p>➄ 成都基地是英特尔移动设备微处理器的主要生产中心。</p><p>➀ Intel announced the expansion of its Chengdu Packaging and Testing Base in Beijing, adding server chip packaging and testing services.</p><p>➁ The expansion aims to enhance local supply chain efficiency and support Chinese customers.</p><p>➂ The new Intel Customer Solution Center will be a one-stop platform for industry solutions.</p><p>➃ Intel has invested over $4 billion in the Chengdu base since 2003.</p><p>➄ Chengdu is a key production center for Intel's mobile device microprocessors.</p>