08/29/2024, 09:01 AM UTC
苹果战略调整:数字服务部门裁员Apple's Strategic Shift: Layoffs in Digital Services Division
➀ 苹果在其数字服务部门裁员约100人,表明公司正在进行业务重心的战略调整。➁ 受影响的员工被告知有60天时间在苹果内部找到另一份工作。➂ 最大的裁员对象是负责Apple Books应用程序和Apple Bookstore的团队,这表明Apple Books已不再是公司的重点业务。➃ 其他服务团队,包括运营Apple News的团队,也受到了影响。➄ 此次裁员是苹果2024年多次裁员行动的一部分,涉及多个项目和部门。➀ Apple has laid off approximately 100 employees in its digital services division, indicating a strategic shift in business focus. ➁ Affected employees have been given 60 days to find another position within Apple. ➂ The largest layoffs were in teams responsible for Apple Books and Apple Bookstore, suggesting a reduced emphasis on these services. ➃ Other service teams, including those operating Apple News, have also been impacted. ➄ This move follows multiple rounds of layoffs in 2024, affecting various projects and departments within the company.