10/22/2024, 08:51 PM UTC
聊聊晶圆和芯片量产阶段的full-maskUnderstanding Full-Mask in Wafer and Chip Production Stages
<p>➀ full-mask 是集成电路制造中的一个关键概念,涉及到半导体制造过程中掩模版的使用。</p><p>➁ 掩模版是半导体光刻工艺中用于硅片表面图案化的光学工具。</p><p>➂ Full-mask 在曝光过程中覆盖整个晶圆,用于大规模生产,提供高效和精度,但成本较高。</p><p>➀ Full-mask is a key concept in integrated circuit manufacturing, involving the use of masks in semiconductor manufacturing processes.</p><p>➁ Masks are optical tools used in photolithography for patterning the surface of silicon wafers.</p><p>➂ Full-mask covers the entire wafer during exposure and is used for mass production, offering efficiency and precision but at a higher cost.</p>