06/18/2024, 06:50 PM UTC
三星与SK海力士将在3D DRAM中应用混合键合技术Samsung and SK Hynix to apply hybrid bonding on 3D DRAM
1、韩国内存芯片制造商三星和SK海力士计划在其即将推出的3D DRAM产品中采用混合键合技术。2、SK海力士在上周于首尔举行的2024年国际内存研讨会上宣布,将在3D DRAM生产中使用晶圆键合技术,这是一种混合键合技术。1. Samsung and SK Hynix, South Korean memory chipmakers, are planning to adopt hybrid bonding technology for their upcoming 3D DRAM products. 2. SK Hynix announced its intention to use wafer bonding, a form of hybrid bonding, in the production of 3D DRAM during the International Memory Workshop 2024 in Seoul.---