10/24/2024, 04:45 PM UTC
全球晶圆代工与恩智浦合作提供下一代22FDX解决方案,服务汽车、物联网和智能移动设备GlobalFoundries and NXP to Deliver Next-Generation 22FDX Solutions for Automotive, IoT and Smart Mobile
➀ 全球晶圆代工与恩智浦宣布合作,共同开发面向汽车、物联网和智能移动设备的下一代解决方案;➁ 合作利用全球晶圆代工的22FDX®工艺技术平台和制造能力;➂ 目标是优化这些市场的功耗、性能和效率。➀ GlobalFoundries and NXP are collaborating to develop next-generation solutions for automotive, IoT, and smart mobile devices; ➁ The collaboration utilizes GlobalFoundries' 22FDX® process technology platform and manufacturing capabilities; ➂ The goal is to optimize power, performance, and efficiency for these markets.