09/29/2024, 10:17 PM UTC
长电科技正式进军存储!JCET Officially Enters the Storage Industry!
➀ 长电科技通过收购晟碟半导体正式进入存储行业;➁ 该收购将扩大长电科技在存储和计算电子领域的市场份额;➂ 晟碟半导体专注于先进闪存存储产品的封装和测试,其产品广泛应用于多个行业;➃ 长电科技是全球排名前三的封测厂商,拥有多种封装技术。➀ JCET has officially entered the storage industry by acquiring Shengdie Semiconductor; ➁ The acquisition will expand JCET' market share in the storage and computing electronics fields; ➂ Shengdie Semiconductor specializes in advanced flash memory storage product packaging and testing, with products used in various industries; ➃ JCET is one of the world's top three packaging and testing companies with a range of packaging technologies.