08/30/2024, 12:10 PM UTC
架构师的AI存储指南Architect's AI Storage Guide
➀ 文章讨论了为机器学习项目选择合适存储的重要性,强调了可扩展性、可用性、安全性和性能的需求。➁ 它回顾了包括本地文件存储、NAS、SAN、DFS和对象存储在内的多种存储选项,比较了它们对ML应用的适用性。➂ 文章得出结论,由于其巨大的可扩展性、处理非结构化数据的能力、RESTful API、加密功能和云原生特性,对象存储是AI的最佳选择。➀ The article discusses the importance of selecting the right storage for machine learning projects, emphasizing the need for scalability, availability, security, and performance. ➁ It reviews various storage options including local file storage, NAS, SAN, DFS, and object storage, comparing their suitability for ML applications. ➂ The article concludes that object storage is the best choice for AI due to its massive scalability, handling of unstructured data, RESTful APIs, encryption capabilities, and cloud-native nature.