11/11/2024, 07:02 PM UTC
北方华创,有点“暴利”Beihua Innovation: A Bit 'Profitable'
<p>➀ 2023年,北方华创净利润增长65.73%,在半导体行业中表现突出。</p><p>➁ 北方华创的核心业务——半导体设备,占总营收的76.49%。</p><p>➂ 半导体设备行业的高技术壁垒和客户壁垒为北方华创的竞争地位提供了强有力的支撑。</p><p>➃ 北方华创的增长动力来自于半导体设备需求的增加和半导体技术的进步。</p><p>➀ Northern华创's net profit increased by 65.73% in 2023, outperforming the semiconductor industry.</p><p>➁ Northern华创's core business, semiconductor equipment, accounts for 76.49% of its total revenue.</p><p>➂ The high technical and customer barriers in the semiconductor equipment industry contribute to Northern华创's strong competitive position.</p><p>➃ Northern华创's growth is driven by the increasing demand for semiconductor equipment and the advancement of semiconductor technology.</p>