09/11/2024, 09:36 PM UTC
AMD 宣布统一 GPU 架构!AMD Announces Unified GPU Architecture!
➀ 在德国柏林的 IFA 2024 上,AMD 宣布将面向消费者的游戏 RDNA 和面向数据中心的 CDNA 图形架构统一为 'UDNA'。此举旨在为开发者提供单一焦点,使优化后的应用程序能在消费级和高端数据中心 GPU 上运行。➁ 这一举措旨在简化管理和开发流程,减少开发者的复杂性。➂ UDNA 架构将支持未来几代产品,并确保向前和向后兼容,但具体细节和时间表尚未公布。➀ AMD announced the unification of its consumer game RDNA and data center CDNA GPU architectures into 'UDNA' at IFA 2024 in Berlin. This move aims to provide developers with a single focus for optimized applications to run on both consumer and high-end data center GPUs.➁ The unification was made to simplify management and development processes, reducing complexity for developers.➃ AMD's UDNA architecture will support future generations of products and ensure forward and backward compatibility. However, specific details and timelines have not been disclosed.