08/18/2024, 06:30 PM UTC
资寒冬、IPO失败,并购还遇阻Navigating the Storm: The Challenges and Opportunities for Domestic Chip Startups
➀ 半导体行业正面临资本寒冬,许多初创企业难以获得资金支持,面临破产风险。➁ 由于监管收紧和市场环境不佳,半导体公司的首次公开募股(IPO)变得愈发困难。➂ 并购成为无法上市公司的潜在解决方案,政策支持力度加大。➀ The semiconductor industry is facing a capital winter with many startups struggling to secure funding and facing bankruptcy. ➁ IPOs for semiconductor companies have become increasingly difficult due to tightened regulations and market conditions. ➂ Mergers and acquisitions are emerging as a potential solution for companies unable to go public, supported by policy incentives.