08/16/2024, 09:19 PM UTC
苹果开放NFC功能给开发者,应对监管压力Apple Opens NFC Access to Developers Amid Regulatory Pressure
➀ 苹果宣布从iOS 18.1开始,开发者可以使用iPhone的安全元件(SE)在应用中实现NFC功能,无需通过Apple Pay或Apple Wallet。➁ 这一举措支持多种NFC应用,如无接触支付、门禁控制等。➂ 开发者需与苹果签订商业协议并支付费用,具体费用未公布。➃ 苹果强调使用高级安全技术保护用户隐私和安全。➄ 此举是在欧盟监管压力下作出的,苹果还同意开放第三方应用下载和支付系统。➀ Apple announces that starting from iOS 18.1, developers can use the Secure Element in iPhones to enable NFC functionalities in their apps without using Apple Pay or Apple Wallet. ➁ This move allows for various NFC applications including contactless payments, access control, and more. ➂ Developers need to sign a business agreement with Apple and pay a yet-undisclosed fee. ➃ Apple emphasizes the use of advanced security technologies to protect user privacy and safety. ➄ Apple's decision follows regulatory pressure from the EU, which has led to broader concessions including opening up third-party app downloads and payment systems.