08/26/2024, 04:11 PM UTC
细数近两年,备受青睐的芯片品类Top Chip Categories in High Demand Over the Past Two Years
➀ 2023年最热门的芯片包括MCU、存储、电源IC、接口IC和通信芯片,主要由意法半导体和恩智浦等国际品牌主导。➁ 2024年上半年,电源管理芯片继续在搜索排名中领先,UC3842、LM358和TL431位列前茅。➂ 电源管理芯片在2024年显著反弹,市场需求逐步恢复,德州仪器和亚德诺等领先公司报告积极信号。➃ MCU市场正从去库存周期转向需求周期,价格显示出复苏迹象。➄ 存储芯片也经历了显著的转机,受AI需求激增和消费电子市场复苏的推动,SK海力士和三星等主要厂商报告强劲的财务业绩。➀ The 2023 Top 10 Most Searched Chips include MCU, storage, power IC, interface IC, and communication chips, dominated by international brands like STMicroelectronics and NXP. ➁ In the first half of 2024, power management chips continue to lead in search rankings, with UC3842, LM358, and TL431 among the top. ➂ Power management chips have seen a significant rebound in 2024, with market demand gradually recovering and leading companies like Texas Instruments and Analog Devices reporting positive signals. ➃ MCU market is transitioning from a de-stocking cycle to a demand cycle, with prices showing signs of recovery. ➄ Storage chips have also seen a significant turnaround, driven by the surge in demand for AI and the recovery of the consumer electronics market, with major players like SK Hynix and Samsung reporting strong financial results.