08/15/2024, 08:45 PM UTC
3M在越南建立工程中心,瞄准先进电子与AI服务器3M Establishes Engineering Center in Vietnam Targeting Advanced Electronics and AI Servers
➀ 3M在越南河内设立科学技术与工程中心,标志着越南向全球创新目的地迈出重要一步。➁ 该中心旨在吸引高科技投资,包括半导体、人工智能和可再生能源项目。➁ 3M计划投资先进测试设备以满足越南市场快速增长的需求。➂ 该中心的建立被视为越南与美国合作关系的积极发展,并将促进经济增长、技术进步和可持续发展。➀ 3M inaugurated a Science, Technology and Engineering Center in Hanoi, Vietnam, marking a significant step towards becoming a global innovation destination. ➁ The center aims to attract high-tech investments, including semiconductors, AI, and renewable energy projects. ➂ 3M plans to invest in advanced testing equipment to meet the growing demand in the Vietnamese market. ➃ The establishment of the center is seen as a positive development in Vietnam-US cooperative relations and will contribute to economic growth, technological progress, and sustainable development.