12/09/2024, 02:30 AM UTC
Arm CEO如何看待英特尔现状?Arm CEO's Perspective on Intel's Current Situation
➀ Arm 首席执行官 Rene Haas 对英特尔当前的情况发表了看法,强调了科技行业创新的重要性。
➁ Haas 讨论了英特尔的战略挑战,特别是 IDM 与无晶圆厂之间的辩论,以及他对垂直整合潜在优势的信念。
➂ 首席执行官就 Arm 可能收购英特尔和其扩大芯片制造业务的传言发表了评论。
➀ Arm CEO, Rene Haas, expresses his views on Intel's current situation, highlighting the importance of innovation in the tech industry.
➁ Haas discusses Intel's strategic challenges, particularly the IDM vs. Fabless debate, and his belief in the potential advantages of vertical integration.
➂ The CEO addresses rumors about Arm's potential acquisition of Intel and its plans to expand its chip manufacturing business.
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