03/07/2025, 04:16 AM UTC
被动原件市场复苏、价格压力缓解!国巨、村田、太阳诱电订单额增长Passive Component Market Recovery and Price Pressure Relief: Growth in Orders for Kemet, Murata, and TDK
➀ 电子消费需求经过数个季度的调整,如今迎来了一波回暖,也带起被动元件的市场复苏。
➁ 国巨营运长王淡如指出,积层陶瓷电容(MLCC)市况已看到复苏迹象,价格压力也见缓解。
➂ 村田制作所、太阳诱电等两大日系被动元件巨头都看好产业景气回稳,如今加上国巨,业内看好被动元件市场复苏态势确立。
➀ The electronic consumer demand has seen a recovery after several quarters of adjustment, leading to a resurgence in the passive component market.
➁ Kemet's operations manager Wang Danru noted that the market for multilayer ceramic capacitors (MLCC) has shown signs of recovery and price pressure has eased.
➂ Murata Manufacturing Co. and TDK Corporation, two major Japanese passive component manufacturers, have also seen an increase in orders.