12/16/2024, 10:49 AM UTC
国内芯片创业公司如何突围How Domestic Chip Design Startups Can Break Through
➀ 各种迹象表明,留给国内芯片设计创业公司的时间还有两年;
➁ 行业洗牌从公司裁员开始,裁员是洗牌的前奏,裁员是企业内部优化和结构性调整;
➂ 两年后,市场将更清晰,芯片创业的高峰将结束。
➀ Signs indicate that there are only two years left for domestic chip design startups;
➁ Industry reshuffling starts with company layoffs, which is a prelude to restructuring;
➂ After two years, the market will be clearer for chip startups, and the peak of chip entrepreneurship will end.