11/21/2024, 09:54 AM UTC
美国首个半导体数字孪生研究所将获2.85亿美元补贴U.S. First Semiconductor Digital Twin Research Institute to Receive $285 Million Subsidy
<p>➀ 美国商务部和半导体研究公司(SRC)正在谈判,计划根据《芯片与科学法案》,向SRC提供2.85亿美元的补贴资金,以支持其建立和运营位于北卡罗来纳州达勒姆的美国制造研究所。</p><p>➁ SRC的投资总额为10亿美元,将支持美国首个芯片制造研究所的建立,名为SMART USA(美国半导体制造和先进研究与数字孪生),该研究所将专注于开发、验证和使用数字孪生来改进美国国内半导体设计、制造、先进封装、组装和测试流程。</p><p>➂ SMART USA将加入一个由17个研究所组成的现有网络,旨在提高美国制造业的竞争力并促进强大的研发基础设施。</p><p>➀ The U.S. Department of Commerce and Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) are negotiating a plan to provide $285 million in subsidies to SRC under the CHIPS and Science Act to support the establishment and operation of the U.S. Manufacturing Institute located in Durham, North Carolina.</p><p>➁ The investment total of SRC is $1 billion, which will support the establishment of the first U.S. chip manufacturing research institute, SMART USA (Semiconductor Manufacturing and Advanced Research with Twins USA), focusing on the development, verification, and use of digital twins to improve U.S. domestic semiconductor design, manufacturing, advanced packaging, assembly, and testing processes.</p><p>➂ SMART USA will join an existing network of 17 research institutes to enhance U.S. manufacturing competitiveness and promote strong research and development infrastructure.</p>