10/27/2024, 04:59 PM UTC
算能科技被台积电停止供货!官方回应来了Tech Company SOPHGO's Supply Chain Stopped by TSMC Amidst US Investigation
<p>➀ 美国商务部调查期间,台积电停止向中国科技公司算能科技供应芯片;<p>➁ 算能科技发布声明否认报道,并提供证据证明其与此事无关;<p>➂ 算能科技是一家专注于RISC-V和TPU处理器的研发公司,研发团队实力雄厚,并与比特大陆有联系。</p><p>➀ TSMC stopped supplying chips to SOPHGO, a Chinese tech company, amidst an investigation by the US商务部; <p>➁ SOPHGO released a statement denying the reports and providing evidence of its innocence; <p>➂ SOPHGO is a RISC-V and TPU processor developer with a strong R&D team and ties to Bitmain.</p>