10/20/2024, 12:11 PM UTC
版图工程师为什么一定要学FinFET?《先进FinFET工艺模拟版图设计》线上直播班报名中!Why Layout Engineers Must Learn FinFET? 'Advanced FinFET Process Simulation Layout Design' Online Live Class Registration!
<p>➀ 集成电路制造工艺的进步,如从28nm过渡到12nm FinFET,是为了满足人工智能、高性能计算、汽车电子化、5G通信和物联网等领域的快速增长需求。</p><p>➁ FinFET技术凭借其创新的三维结构设计,有效解决了平面晶体管技术面临的尺寸缩放和性能瓶颈,成为延续摩尔定律的关键技术。</p><p>➂ E课网提供的课程旨在在两周内教授先进的FinFET布局设计技能,提供真实世界的项目经验,并为学生提供更高的薪资和职业发展机会。</p><p>➀ The advancement in semiconductor manufacturing processes, such as the transition from 28nm to 12nm FinFET, is driven by the need for higher integration, processing power, and lower power consumption to meet the growing demand in AI, high-performance computing, automotive electronics, 5G communication, and the Internet of Things.</p><p>➁ FinFET technology, with its innovative 3D structure, addresses the size scaling and performance bottlenecks of planar transistors, becoming a key technology to extend Moore's Law.</p><p>➂ The course offered by E课网 aims to teach advanced FinFET layout design skills in just two weeks, providing real-world project experience and preparing students for higher salaries and career development.</p>