10/06/2024, 10:59 AM UTC
荷兰,不止ASMLThe Netherlands: More Than Just ASML
➀ 荷兰以其郁金香和风车闻名,但在半导体设备领域也占有重要地位,ASML是最著名的代表。然而,这个低调的国家还有许多‘隐形冠军’,在全球半导体产业中扮演着至关重要的角色。➁ 荷兰半导体产业的瑰宝ASML在全球半导体设备制造领域占据主导地位,其光刻机技术是其成功的关键。ASML从一个挣扎的初创公司成长为行业领导者,背后有许多不为人知的故事。➂ 成立于55年前的ASM International NV(ASM)专注于ALD和外延领域,在全球ALD市场中占据领先地位,市场份额超过55%。➃ BE半导体工业有限公司(BESI)因其混合键合设备而受到关注,股价大幅上涨。➄ 近场仪器公司(Nearfield Instruments)为先进半导体制造提供计量和过程控制设备,开发了一种自动化的高通量3D扫描探针计量系统。➀ The Netherlands is renowned for its tulips and windmills, but it also holds a significant position in the semiconductor equipment sector, with ASML being the most famous. However, there are many 'hidden champions' in this低调 nation playing crucial roles in the global semiconductor industry. ➁ ASML, as a gem in the Netherlands' semiconductor industry, dominates the global semiconductor equipment manufacturing field. Its light刻机 technology is the key to its success. ASML has grown from a struggling startup to the industry leader with numerous untold stories. ➂ ASM International NV (ASM), with a history of 55 years, focuses on ALD and epitaxy, leading the global ALD market with over 55% market share. ➃ BE Semiconductor Industries NV (BESI) has gained attention for its hybrid bonding equipment, experiencing significant stock price growth. ➄ Nearfield Instruments, a company providing metrology and process control equipment for advanced semiconductor manufacturing, has developed an automated high-throughput 3D scanning probe metrology system.