03/01/2025, 01:58 AM UTC
国产GPU大厂回应裁员20%传闻Domestic GPU Giant Muxi Responds to 20% Layoff Rumors
➀ 国内GPU巨头沐曦集成电路(以下简称“沐曦”)近期被传在IPO上市前实施裁员计划,涉及约20%员工(约200人),以降低成本提高上市成功率。
➁ 沐曦方面向媒体回应称,公司会定期开展人员结构调整工作,优化人员配置,此过程有人员的补充与裁撤,均属正常范畴,并非市场传言增加上市概率,市场传言的优化比例也严重失实。
➂ 作为国产GPU明星企业,沐曦在成立不到1年内,公司就迅速完成从天使轮到A轮的四轮融资,融资金额达数十亿。天眼查显示,沐曦最近一次融资在2024年8月23日,投资方包括浦东资本、上海科创基金、湖南国创产业投资、加佳信息和启夏资本等。
➀ Muxi Integrated Circuit, a domestic GPU giant, has been rumored to be implementing a layoff plan involving about 20% of its employees (about 200 people) before its IPO to reduce costs and improve the chances of listing success.
➁ Muxi responded to the media, stating that the company regularly conducts personnel adjustment work to optimize personnel allocation, which includes the addition and reduction of personnel and is within the normal scope, not to increase the chances of listing as rumored in the market, and the rumored optimization ratio is also seriously inaccurate.
➂ Muxi, as a star domestic GPU company, has quickly completed four rounds of financing from angel round to A round within one year of its establishment, with a financing amount of tens of billions. Tianyancha shows that Muxi's last round of financing was on August 23, 2024, with investors including Pudong Capital, Shanghai Sci-Tech Fund, Hunan National Innovation Industry Investment, Jiajia Information, and Qixia Capital.