10/16/2024, 05:23 PM UTC
黄仁勋对话Arm CEO:预言AI每年成本砍半,自曝演讲靠“硬着头皮” Huang Renxun Discusses with Arm CEO: Predicts AI Cost Reduction by Half Annually, Reveals Speech Preparation Relying on 'Biting the Bullet'
<p>➀ 黄仁勋讨论了寻找优秀人才以建立伟大公司的重要性,并分享了他在英伟达的招聘策略。</p><p>➁ 他解释了英伟达对Mellanox的顺利收购以及成为SoC公司的转型策略。</p><p>➂ 黄仁勋预测AI的快速发展,预计每年成本将减半,速度超过摩尔定律。</p><p>➃ 他强调了架构兼容性和AI行业软件投资的重要性。</p><p>➀ Huang Renxun discusses the importance of finding great talents to build a great company and shares his strategy for hiring at NVIDIA.</p><p>➁ He explains the seamless acquisition of Mellanox by NVIDIA and the transformation strategy to become a SoC company.</p><p>➂ Huang Renxun predicts the rapid development of AI, with costs reduced by half annually and the speed surpassing Moore's Law.</p><p>➃ He emphasizes the importance of architecture compatibility and software investment in the AI industry.</p>