08/20/2024, 07:04 PM UTC
全球TOP5汽车芯片Global Top 5 Automotive Chips
➀ 全球汽车半导体市场预计到2027年将超过880亿美元,受高性能计算芯片、图形处理单元、雷达芯片和激光传感器需求激增的推动。➁ 高级驾驶辅助系统、电动汽车和车联网是这一增长的主要驱动力。➂ 英飞凌、恩智浦、意法半导体、德州仪器和瑞萨电子等领先半导体公司正在大力投资开发下一代微控制器、片上系统和高质量雷达解决方案。➀ The global automotive semiconductor market is expected to exceed $88 billion by 2027, driven by the demand for HPC chips, GPUs, radar chips, and laser sensors. ➁ Advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS), electric vehicles (EV), and internet of vehicles (IoV) are key drivers for this growth. ➂ Leading semiconductor companies like Infineon, NXP, STMicroelectronics, Texas Instruments, and Renesas are investing heavily in next-generation microcontrollers, SoCs, and high-resolution radar solutions.