08/22/2024, 08:34 AM UTC
探究“差异化”HBM内存Exploring Differentiated HBM Memory
➀ SK海力士旨在开发差异化HBM产品,以满足AI领域特定客户的需求。➁ 公司的高级封装开发负责人强调了AI内存开发中技术和可扩展性的重要性。➂ HBM内存发展迅速,HBM3E达到9.2 GT/s - 10 GT/s,HBM4将采用2048位接口。➃ SK海力士计划提供定制或半定制的HBM4解决方案,考虑不同客户的偏好和技术。➀ SK Hynix aims to develop differentiated HBM products to meet specific customer needs in the AI sector. ➁ The company's Advanced Package Development leader emphasizes the need for flexible and scalable technology in AI memory development. ➂ HBM memory has evolved rapidly, with HBM3E reaching 9.2 GT/s - 10 GT/s and HBM4 set to feature a 2048-bit interface. ➃ SK Hynix plans to offer customized or semi-customized HBM4 solutions, considering various customer preferences and technologies.
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