11/21/2024, 09:51 AM UTC
台积电每年至少在台湾建一座晶圆厂TSMC to Build at Least One Wafer Factory Annually in Taiwan
<p>➀ 台积电计划在未来十年内按计划投资,经济部正在准备水和电的供应。</p><p>➁ 根据台湾高层郭智辉的说法,台积电可能在台湾每年建一个厂。</p><p>➂ 台积电的2纳米订单超出了预期,苹果很可能继续成为苹果高端处理器的独家供应商。</p><p>➀ TSMC plans to invest as scheduled over the next ten years, with the Economic Bureau preparing for water and electricity supply.</p><p>➁ TSMC may build one factory in Taiwan every year, according to Kuo Chih-wei of the Taiwan's top economic official.</p><p>➂ TSMC's 2nm orders have exceeded expectations, with Apple likely to remain the exclusive supplier of Apple's high-end processors.</p>