09/02/2024, 01:05 PM UTC
重庆GPU独角兽否认“全员解散”传闻Chongqing GPU Unicorn Denies 'Total Dissolution' Rumors
➀ 重庆GPU独角兽象帝先发布澄清公告,否认“全员解散”传闻,表示公司并未解散或清算,而是在优化组织结构和人员配置以适应市场和战略变化。➁ 象帝先正在积极寻找外部融资机会,并对国产GPU的未来发展充满信心。➂ 公司创始人唐志敏是国内高性能处理器领域的知名专家,曾领导多个重大项目。➀ Xiangdixian, a Chongqing-based GPU unicorn, has issued a clarification denying rumors of 'total dissolution'. The company states it is not dissolving or liquidating but is optimizing its organizational structure and personnel to adapt to market and strategic changes. ➁ The company is actively seeking external financing opportunities and remains confident in the future of domestic GPU development. ➂ Xiangdixian's founder, Tang Zhimin, is a renowned expert in high-performance processors and has led significant projects in the field.