09/28/2024, 09:19 AM UTC
英特尔发布128核至强6性能核处理器:用CXL和MRDIMM应对内存墙Intel Unveils 128-Core Xeon 6 Performance Core Processors: Tackling Memory Wall with CXL and MRDIMM
➀ 英特尔发布128核至强6性能核处理器系列;➁ 新处理器拥有504MB的三级缓存,支持MRDIMM以增加内存带宽;➂ CXL 2.0支持内存共享和池化,提升系统性能;➃ 平坦内存模式将DRAM和CXL内存统一,提高内存管理效率。➀ Intel launches the 128-core Xeon 6 performance core processor series; ➁ The new processors feature a massive 504MB L3 cache and support MRDIMM for increased memory bandwidth; ➂ CXL 2.0 support allows for memory sharing and pooling, enhancing system performance; ➃ The Flat memory mode unifies DRAM and CXL memory, improving memory management efficiency.