09/27/2024, 07:35 AM UTC
欧洲半导体的坍缩The Decline of European Semiconductors
➀ 欧洲半导体市场正经历衰退,汽车和工业领域出现负增长;➁ 欧洲半导体公司在汽车市场有优势,但在数据中心和人工智能服务器消费市场表现不佳;➂ 欧盟的芯片法案面临挑战,2030年前将欧洲全球半导体生产市场份额提高到至少20%的目标似乎不切实际;➃ 欧洲公司寻求更多支持性和激励政策,而不是限制性的经济安全措施。➀ The European semiconductor market is experiencing a decline, with negative growth in automotive and industrial sectors; ➁ European semiconductor companies have significant strengths in the automotive market but are struggling in data centers and AI server consumption markets; ➂ The European Union's chip act faces challenges, with the goal of increasing Europe's global semiconductor production market share to at least 20% by 2030 seemingly unrealistic; ➃ European companies are looking for more supportive and motivational policies rather than restrictive ones for economic security.