11/22/2024, 06:38 PM UTC
营收不到2亿市值2000亿,寒武纪凭什么?How Can Hanwuji Reach a Market Value of 200B with Revenue Under 2B?
<p>➀ 仅11个月时间,寒武纪股价涨幅超过250%,市值增加1400亿元。</p><p>➁ 尽管2024年第三季度营收增长显著,寒武纪前三季度仍亏损72.4亿元。</p><p>➂ 寒武纪的主要收入来自单一的大客户,该客户在过去几年中频繁变动。</p><p>➃ ETF在推动寒武纪股价和市值达到新高方面发挥了重要作用。</p><p>➀ In just 11 months, Hanwuji's stock price surged over 250%, with a market value increase of 140 billion yuan.</p><p>➁ Despite significant revenue growth in Q3 2024, Hanwuji still reported a net loss of 7.24 billion yuan for the first three quarters.</p><p>➂ Hanwuji's major revenue comes from a single large customer, which has changed frequently over the years.</p><p>➃ ETFs have played a significant role in driving Hanwuji's stock price and market value to new heights.</p>