08/14/2024, 09:44 PM UTC
当刹车也变「智能」,安全底线之困The Dilemma of Safety Boundaries as Brakes Become 'Smart'
➀ 智能刹车的转变涉及持续的工程挑战,特别是在确保安全性和性能方面。➁ 先进的制动技术,如全解耦线控制动系统,在电动汽车中越来越多地被采用,带来了新的调校挑战。➂ 制动系统的终极解决方案预计将是电子机械制动(EMB),它提供更快的响应时间和潜在的成本节约,尽管在广泛采用之前面临监管和技术障碍。➀ The transition to smart brakes involves continuous engineering challenges, especially in ensuring safety and performance. ➁ Advanced braking technologies like fully decoupled brake-by-wire systems are increasingly adopted in electric vehicles, posing new calibration challenges. ➂ The ultimate solution for braking systems is expected to be the Electro-Mechanical Brake (EMB), which offers faster response times and potential cost savings, though it faces regulatory and technical hurdles before mass adoption.