11/03/2024, 01:23 PM UTC
芯片巨头:几家欢喜,几家愁Semiconductor Giants: Some Rejoice, Others Worry
<p>➀ 半导体市场正经历着喜忧参半的情况,一些公司蓬勃发展,而另一些则陷入困境。</p><p>➁ ASML的股价因市场挑战和地缘政治不确定性而持续下跌。</p><p>➂ BESI的营收和订单量显著增长,但公司在主流和中国的封装设备市场面临挑战。</p><p>➃ Lam Research报告了强劲的财务业绩,得益于亚洲对先进逻辑和DRAM的强劲需求。</p><p>➄ Teradyne的营收增长得益于其在半导体测试业务的稳健表现。</p><p>➅ ASM International的订单量超出分析师预期,得益于对AI芯片关键技术的强劲需求。</p><p>➆ KLA的营收和盈利超出预期,公司对2025年半导体市场的增长持乐观态度。</p><p>➇ SK海力士因高端AI内存产品如HBM的强劲销售而实现了创纪录的利润和销售额。</p><p>➈ 台积电第三季度利润显著增长,得益于对AI芯片的强劲需求。</p><p>➉ 联电的财务 业绩优于力积电。</p><p>➊ 英飞凌和德州仪器对汽车半导体市场有不同的看法,英飞凌预测将放缓,而德州仪器保持乐观。</p><p>➀ The semiconductor market is experiencing a mixed situation with some companies thriving and others struggling.</p><p>➁ ASML's stock price continues to fall due to challenges in the market and geopolitical uncertainties.</p><p>➂ BESI's revenue and orders have grown significantly, but the company is facing challenges in the mainstream and Chinese packaging equipment markets.</p><p>➃ Lam Research has reported strong financial results, driven by strong demand for advanced logic and DRAM in Asia.</p><p>➄ Teradyne's revenue increased due to robust performance in its semiconductor testing business.</p><p>➅ ASM International's order book exceeded analyst expectations, driven by strong demand for AI chip key technologies.</p><p>➆ KLA's revenue and earnings exceeded expectations, and the company is optimistic about the semiconductor market's growth in 2025.</p><p>➇ SK Hynix achieved record profits and sales due to strong sales of high-end AI memory products like HBM.</p><p>➈ TSMC's third-quarter profit increased significantly, driven by strong demand for AI chips.</p><p>➉ United Microelectronics Corporation reported better financial results compared to Force Microelectronics Inc.</p><p>➊ Infineon and Texas Instruments have different views on the automotive semiconductor market, with Infineon predicting a slowdown and Texas Instruments remaining optimistic.</p>