11/23/2024, 10:51 AM UTC
重磅,Lattice考虑收购AlteraLattice Considers Acquisition of Altera
<p>➀ 莱迪思半导体公司正在考虑收购英特尔旗下的Altera。</p><p>➁ 莱迪思正在与顾问合作并寻求私募股权支持,以探索潜在的收购机会。</p><p>➂ Francisco Partners、贝恩资本和银湖资本等公司也在研究对Altera的投资意向。</p><p>➃ 对Altera的收购要约预计将在美国感恩节假期之前提出。</p><p>➄ 由于收购方规模相对较小,莱迪思控制Altera的尝试可能很难实现。</p><p>➅ 英特尔重申了其计划在IPO之前考虑将Altera的部分股份出售给投资者。</p><p>➀ Lattice Semiconductor Corp. is considering a full acquisition bid for Altera, a subsidiary of Intel.</p><p>➁ Lattice is working with advisors and seeking private equity support to explore potential acquisition opportunities.</p><p>➂ Francisco Partners, Bain Capital, and Silver Lake Capital are also studying investment intentions for Altera.</p><p>➃ The acquisition offer for Altera is expected to be proposed before the Thanksgiving holiday in the US next Thursday.</p><p>➄ Due to the relatively smaller size of the acquirer, Lattice's attempt to control Altera may be difficult to achieve.</p><p>➅ Intel has reiterated its plan to consider selling a minority stake in Altera to investors before an IPO.</p>