12/14/2024, 05:50 PM UTC
华勤技术完成28.5亿港元收购易路达Huaiqin Technology Completes HK$2.85 Billion Acquisition of Yiluoda
<p>➀ 华勤技术已完成易路达企业控股有限公司80%股份的收购,交易额达28.5亿港元;</p><p>➁ 此次收购旨在提升公司在智能硬件领域的竞争力;</p><p>➂ 易路达企业控股专注于音频产品,与全球知名音频品牌如苹果的Beats耳机保持紧密合作。</p><p>➀ Huaiqin Technology has completed the acquisition of 80% shares of Yiluoda Holdings Limited for HK$2.85 billion; </p><p>➁ The acquisition aims to enhance the company's competitiveness in the smart hardware field; </p><p>➂ Yiluoda Holdings specializes in audio products and has a strong partnership with global audio brands like Apple's Beats.</p>