08/14/2024, 06:03 PM UTC
10万次循环寿命,复旦团队开发出超快闪存芯片的规模集成工艺100,000 Cycles of Lifespan: Fudan Team Develops Scalable Integration Process for Ultra-Fast Flash Memory Chips
➀ 复旦大学研究团队开发了一种可扩展的超快二维闪存集成工艺,旨在解决当前闪存技术的速度限制问题。➁ 团队采用化学气相沉积(CVD)生长单层二硫化钼作为沟道材料,并通过优化界面工程实现了原子级平整度。➂ 所制造的闪存器件具有10万次循环寿命、20纳秒编程速度和98%的良率,显著优于传统的硅基闪存。➀ Fudan University researchers have developed a scalable integration process for ultra-fast two-dimensional flash memory, aiming to address the speed limitations of current flash technologies. ➁ The team utilized chemical vapor deposition (CVD) to grow single-layer molybdenum disulfide as the channel material and optimized the interface engineering to achieve atomic-level flatness. ➂ The resulting flash memory devices offer 100,000 cycles of lifespan, 20 nanosecond programming speeds, and a 98% yield rate, significantly outperforming traditional silicon-based flash memory.