12/10/2024, 08:10 AM UTC
谷歌最强量子芯片登场!破解30年重大难题,速度超过最快超算,马斯克惊叹Google's Most Powerful Quantum Chip Unveiled! Solves 30-Year Major Challenge, Faster Than the Fastest Supercomputer, Musk Amazes
<p>➀ 谷歌最新量子芯片Willow在基准测试中表现出色,不到5分钟完成一项标准计算;</p><p>➁ 该芯片通过增加量子比特数量,指数级降低错误,破解了近30年来一直在研究的量子纠错挑战;</p><p>➂ Willow的突破预示着到21世纪末,量子计算机能够实现甚至最强大的超级计算机都无法实现的科学发现;</p><p>➃ 量子计算对于发现新药、为电动汽车设计更高效的电池以及加速核聚变和新能源替代品的进展至关重要。</p><p>➀ Google's latest quantum chip, Willow, achieves remarkable performance in benchmark tests, completing a standard calculation in less than 5 minutes;</p><p>➁ The chip solves a 30-year-old quantum error correction challenge by reducing errors exponentially with more qubits;</p><p>➂ Willow's breakthrough indicates that quantum computers could achieve scientific discoveries even the most powerful supercomputers cannot by the end of the 21st century;</p><p>➃ Quantum computing is crucial for tasks like discovering new drugs, designing efficient batteries for electric vehicles, and accelerating nuclear fusion.</p>