09/08/2024, 09:38 PM UTC
台湾房地产热潮:台积电的影响The Real Estate Boom in Taiwan: TSMC's Influence
➀ 台积电在台湾半导体产业的地位是其房地产市场表现的关键指标;➁ 过去五年,台湾房价涨幅最大的十个地方都与台积电有关;➂ 其中七个位于竹科、南科、中科三大科技园区附近;➃ 新竹县竹北市因靠近台积电晶圆厂,五年内房价上涨118%,使该城市从“三线城市”迅速晋升为“新一线城市”;➄ 台北和新北由于没有台积电的支撑,房价涨幅远低于全岛平均水平;➅ 自2019年以来,台积电股价上涨超过500%,市值接近900亿美元,几乎等同于腾讯、阿里、美团、网易、京东和百度的总和;➆ 台积电去年营收690亿美元,接近台湾省GDP的10%;➇ 彭博社预测,随着大量极紫外光刻机的投入使用,2025年台积电的电力消耗将达到台湾总消耗的12.5%;➀ TSMC's presence in Taiwan's semiconductor industry is a key indicator of the real estate market's performance; ➁ Over the past five years, the ten places with the largest real estate price increases in Taiwan are all related to TSMC; ➂ Seven of them are near the Hsinchu Science Park, Southern Taiwan Science Park, and Central Taiwan Science Park; ➃ The price of houses in Zhubei City, Hsinchu County, which has a TSMC wafer factory, has increased by 118% in five years, propelling the city from a 'third-tier' to a 'new first-tier' city; ➄ The real estate prices in Taipei and New Taipei have lagged far behind, much lower than the island's average; ➅ TSMC's stock price has increased by over 500% since 2019, with a market value close to 90 billion USD, nearly equal to the combined market value of Tencent, Alibaba, Meituan, NetEase, JD.com, and Baidu; ➆ TSMC's revenue last year was 69 billion USD, almost 10% of Taiwan's GDP; ➇ Bloomberg predicts that with the introduction of a large number of EUV photolithography machines, TSMC's electricity consumption will reach 12.5% of Taiwan's total by 2025.