10/04/2024, 09:09 AM UTC
俄投资25.4亿美元,计划2030年实现70%半导体设备及材料国产化Russia Invests $2.54B to Achieve 70% Domestic Semiconductor Equipment and Materials Production by 2030
➀ 俄罗斯已拨款超过2400亿卢布(25.4亿美元)支持国内半导体制造设备、CAD工具及原材料的研发,目标是到2030年实现约70%的半导体设备和材料的国产替代。➁ 该计划涉及50多个组织,共有110个项目。➂ 俄罗斯政府旨在为微电子生产所需的大约70%的设备和原材料开发国内替代品,重点关注从180nm到28nm的技术。➀ Russia has allocated over 240 billion rubles ($2.54 billion) to support the development of domestic semiconductor manufacturing equipment, CAD tools, and raw materials. The goal is to achieve domestic substitution for about 70% of foreign semiconductor equipment and materials by 2030. ➁ Over 50 organizations are involved in the implementation of this plan, with 110 projects in total. ➂ The Russian government aims to develop domestic alternatives for about 70% of the equipment and raw materials required for microelectronics production, focusing on technologies from 180nm to 28nm.