10/07/2024, 08:58 PM UTC
明天开盘,哪个板块弹性大?Which Sector Will Show High Elasticity Tomorrow's Opening?
➀ 科技板块,尤其是半导体行业,在香港股市的反弹中扮演了领先角色;➁ A股市场的科技板块表现也十分亮眼,包括上证300和创业板指等指数的增长;➂ 短期来看,科技板块的前景依然乐观,受到美联储降息周期和中国新政策的推动;➃ 中长期来看,科技板块的增长前景得益于国家高质量发展战略和新的经济增长引擎潜力;➄ 文章建议关注香港科技ETF(代码159751)和科创100ETF(代码588220)等ETF的投资机会。➀ The technology sector, particularly semiconductors, has been leading the rebound in the Hong Kong stock market; ➁ The performance of the technology sector in the A-share market, including the growth of indices like the SSE 300 and the CSI 1000, is impressive; ➂ The short-term outlook for the technology sector remains positive, driven by factors such as the Federal Reserve's easing cycle and new policies in China; ➃ The medium and long-term growth prospects of the technology sector are supported by the country's high-quality development strategy and the potential for new economic growth engines; ➄ The article suggests focusing on ETFs like the Hong Kong Tech ETF (code 159751) and the KOSPI 100 ETF (code 588220) for investment opportunities.