09/29/2024, 07:23 AM UTC
7纳米车规级智能座舱芯片亮相:龙鹰一号7nm Automotive-grade Intelligent Cabin Chip Unveiled: The Dragon Eagle One
➀ 龙鹰一号7纳米车规级智能座舱芯片在法兰克福车展上亮相,与吉利银河E5纯电SUV一同展出,这是继美国CES电子消费展之后的第二次国际亮相。 ➁ 该芯片由武汉经开区的湖北芯擎科技有限公司设计,集成了87层电路,拥有88亿晶体管。 ➂ 从立项到量产装车,芯擎科技仅用了18个月,而通常这个过程需要3到5年。 ➃ 芯片内置两颗NPU,大幅提升了算力,使其非常适合“舱泊一体”技术。 ➄ 截至目前,龙鹰一号芯片已出货超过40万片,并为20余款车型安装,其中包括畅销的领克08。➀ The Dragon Eagle One, a 7nm automotive-grade intelligent cabin chip, was unveiled at the Frankfurt Motor Show, alongside Geely's Galaxy E5 pure electric SUV. It was the chip's second international showcase after the CES in the US. ➁ The chip, designed by Hubei Xincheng Technology Co., Ltd., based in Wuhan's Economic and Technological Development Zone, features 87 layers of circuits and 8.8 billion transistors. ➂ It took only 18 months for the chip to go from concept to mass production, a process that typically takes 3 to 5 years. ➃ The chip, with two NPUs (embedded neural network processors), significantly enhances computing power, making it ideal for 'cabin-parking integration'. ➄ To date, the chip has been shipped to over 400,000 units and has been installed in more than 20 models, including the popular Leiking 08.