09/11/2024, 12:06 PM UTC
全球份额调查:日本成为半导体材料大国Japan Emerges as a Semiconductor Materials Giant in Global Market Share Survey
➀ 在新的“半导体材料”的5个品类中,日本企业在3个品类位居第一,有的品类日企份额达到100%。专家警告称,中韩企业在半导体材料领域的影响力正在提高,尤其是中国正在推进国产化,可能会减少日企的市场份额。 ➁ 日本经济新闻社2023年的“主要商品和服务市场份额调查”显示,日本企业在10个品类中排在首位,比上次调查增加4个。在新调查的“半导体材料”的5个品类中,日本企业在3个品类位居第一。 ➂ 东京应化工业在光刻胶领域的市场份额为22.8%,在汽车用传统产品表现出色,并且用于最新款智能手机用半导体的“极紫外(EUV)光刻胶”等也做出了贡献。 ➃ 信越化学工业在硅晶圆方面的份额位居全球首位,该公司于上世纪60年代开始生产硅晶圆,在日本、美国和欧洲设有生产基地。 ➄ 在光掩膜基板这一品类方面,3家日本企业垄断全球份额,豪雅的份额超过60%,远远 高于位居第二的信越化学(20.6%)。➀ Japan leads in three out of five categories of new 'semiconductor materials', with some categories seeing Japanese companies hold a 100% market share. Experts warn that Chinese and South Korean companies are gaining influence in the semiconductor materials field, with China pushing for domestication, potentially reducing Japanese market share. ➁ The Nikkei 2023 'Major Products and Services Market Share Survey' shows that Japanese companies rank first in 10 categories, an increase of 4 from the previous survey. In the new 'semiconductor materials' category, Japanese companies are first in three categories. ➂ Tokyo Ohka Chemical is the leading player in photoresist with a 22.8% market share, excelling in traditional automotive products and EUV photoresist for the latest smartphones. The company has strengthened production and sales systems in Kagoshima and North America, with a sales target for the fiscal year ending December 2030 set at 350 billion yen, 1.7 times higher than the original plan. ➃ Shin-Etsu Chemical has the highest global market share in silicon wafers, with 24.7%, and is the only company, along with Sumco, that can produce the most advanced products. ➄ In the Mask Blanks category, three Japanese companies dominate the global market share, with HOYA holding over 60% of the market share.
09/11/2024, 12:05 PM UTC
全球份额调查:日本成为半导体材料大国Japan Emerges as a Semiconductor Materials Giant in Global Market Share Survey
➀ 在新的“半导体材料”的5个品类中,日本企业在3个品类位居第一,有的品类日企份额达到100%。专家警告称,中韩企业在半导体材料领域的影响力正在提高,尤其是中国正在推进国产化,可能会减少日企的市场份额。 ➁ 日本经济新闻社2023年的“主要商品和服务市场份额调查”显示,日本企业在10个品类中排在首位,比上次调查增加4个。在新调查的“半导体材料”的5个品类中,日本企业在3个品类位居第一。 ➂ 东京应化工业在光刻胶领域的市场份额为22.8%,在汽车用传统产品表现出色,并且用于最新款智能手机用半导体的“极紫外(EUV)光刻胶”等也做出了贡献。 ➃ 信越化学工业在硅晶圆方面的份额位居全球首位,该公司于上世纪60年代开始生产硅晶圆,在日本、美国和欧洲设有生产基地。 ➄ 在光掩膜基板这一品类方面,3家日本企业垄断全球份额,豪雅的份额超过60%,远远高于位居第二的信越化学(20.6%)。➀ Japan leads in three out of five categories of new 'semiconductor materials', with some categories seeing Japanese companies hold a 100% market share. Experts warn that Chinese and South Korean companies are gaining influence in the semiconductor materials field, with China pushing for domestication, potentially reducing Japanese market share. ➁ The Nikkei 2023 'Major Products and Services Market Share Survey' shows that Japanese companies rank first in 10 categories, an increase of 4 from the previous survey. In the new 'semiconductor materials' category, Japanese companies are first in three categories. ➂ Tokyo Ohka Chemical is the leading player in photoresist with a 22.8% market share, excelling in traditional automotive products and EUV photoresist for the latest smartphones. The company has strengthened production and sales systems in Kagoshima and North America, with a sales target for the fiscal year ending December 2030 set at 350 billion yen, 1.7 times higher than the original plan. ➃ Shin-Etsu Chemical has the highest global market share in silicon wafers, with 24.7%, and is the only company, along with Sumco, that can produce the most advanced products. ➄ In the Mask Blanks category, three Japanese companies dominate the global market share, with HOYA holding over 60% of the market share.