10/14/2024, 07:28 PM UTC
越南义安立讯新工厂开始生产苹果Apple Watch,产能增长3倍Nghe An Luxshare's New Factory Starts Producing Apple Apple Watch, Production Capacity Grows Threefold
<p>➀ 越南义安立讯的新Apple Watch工厂已开始生产和出货,2024年产品已销往中国市场。</p><p>➁ 立讯精密集团扩大了对义安立讯的第二阶段投资,规模比第一阶段扩大了三倍。</p><p>➂ 该项目预计将提供22,000个工作岗位,设计年产能为1.088亿件,包括苹果Apple Watch。</p><p>➀ The new Apple Watch factory of Nghe An Luxshare in Vietnam has started production and shipment, with products already sold to the Chinese market in 2024.</p><p>➁ Luxshare Precision Group expanded the second phase of investment in Nghe An Luxshare, tripling the scale compared to the first phase.</p><p>➂ The project is expected to provide 22,000 jobs and has a designed annual production capacity of 108.8 million pieces, including Apple Apple Watch.</p>