02/25/2025, 10:46 AM UTC
天岳先进披露:SiC营收近18亿、产能46万片Tianyue Advanced Announces Record SiC Revenue and Production Capacity
➀ 天岳先进报告期内实现SiC净利润1.8亿元,实现扭亏为盈;
➁ 2024年前九个月SiC销量已超25万片,年化产能46万片;
➂ 计划建设8英寸SiC产线以及海外新生产基地。
➀ Tianyue Advanced reported a net profit of 180 million yuan from SiC, achieving a turn-around from losses;
➁ The company's SiC sales volume exceeded 250,000 pieces in the first nine months of 2024, with an annualized production capacity of 460,000 pieces;
➂ Tianyue Advanced plans to build 8-inch SiC production lines and new overseas production bases.