02/11/2025, 10:07 AM UTC
福建老板做芯片,身家半年增加超200亿Fujian Entrepreneur's Chip Business Boosts His Wealth by Over 200B in Half a Year
➀ 春节以来,Deepseek持续爆火,这也直接引发了二级市场对于端侧AI的畅想,诸多与AI相关的上市公司股价不断上扬,其中包括芯片企业瑞芯微。
➁ 瑞芯微近期股价一度涨至199.9元/股,自1月6日以来涨幅接近100%,较2024年2月5低点(39.44元/股)涨幅约400%。截至2月11日收盘,瑞芯微股价为185.55元/股,总市值777.3亿元。
➂ 根据胡润百富榜,截至2024年8月30日,瑞芯微创始人励民财富规模为100亿元。根据企查查数据显示,励民直接间接持有瑞芯微股份比例为42.3361%,价值约329亿元(根据11日收盘数据计算)。也就是说,在不到半年的时间内,励民的身家增加近230亿元。
➀ Deepseek's popularity has surged since the Spring Festival, sparking excitement in the secondary market for edge AI, boosting the stock prices of related listed companies, including chipmaker Rockchip.
➁ Rockchip's stock price has surged to 199.9 yuan per share, with a gain of nearly 100% since January 6th and a 400% increase from its low point on February 5, 2024.
➂ Founder Li Min's wealth has increased to 10 billion yuan, with an indirect holding of 423361% in Rockchip valued at about 32.9 billion yuan.